The V-Spot Lounge

                                                             Benefits of Yoni Steam


•Relaxation, Deep Sleep, Peace of Mind, Body Comfort, Feeling of deeper connection with their vagina, and themselves.

•Increased vaginal nectar/ fertile mucus- Some women report regaining ovulation after steaming

•Heightened libido & sexual sensation after steaming

•Better circulation

•Water Retention Disbursement, Decreased Bloating

•Toned and lifted vaginal canal for women with prolapse

•Scar tissue from tearing or childbirth softening or disappearance

•Treatment and prevention of ingrown hairs

•Shrinking or eliminating cysts, fibroids.

•Relief from endometriosis and PCOS.

•Decrease in PMS symptoms, Hormonal and emotional balance, Easier more manageable Periods

•Menstrual Cycle Regulation- Shortening of long cycles, lengthening of short cycles, bringing back missing periods


  When To Steam?

As part of an overall self-care regime, we recommend that women steam two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating.


There is no scientific evidence that vaginal steam works. 


Legal Disclaimer

Statements regarding Yoni steam  have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Do not complete a yoni steam if you are pregnant (or think you might be). Steaming is not recommended for women who have an IUD(Can be done), women who are currently menstruating, or women who are prone to spontaneous bleeding. Please note, women who are trying to conceive should not steam between ovulation and their next menstruation in case they are pregnant.